Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Colon Health Information

By Art Barron

Not a huge amount of people are familiar with colon health, which is too bad because colon health plays a big role in our daily lives. If our colon is not healthy, then we aren't correctly dumping the waste that's in our body. These things should be eliminated for a reason, and when they remain inside far longer than they should, then issues arise.

With that in mind , here are things you need to know about colon health.

1. Signals of a healthy colon.

The bowel, when uncurled from the abdominal area, actually stretches out to five feet long. But you don't need to take it out to work out if your colon is healthy ; signs can essentially be seen from the outside. Some indicators are unblemished skin, mild-smelling breath, regular bowel movement, gigantic bowel movement in the morning and smaller bowel movement in the day, effortless expulsion of stool, no mucous, partially digested, or blood in the stools.

2. The elimination test.

Of course, you can't always be sure that even if you've got the indicators above it means that your colon is healthy. You can also test your elimination time or how long it takes for you to digest your food and excrete the undigested parts. And the best way to check this is thru beets.

Prepare fresh beets ( preferably fermented ) and make sure you eat the entire plant and not only the juice. Note the time of the day when you ate the beets. Look at your stool and check for the red pigment coming from the beets. A normal elimination time is between 18 to twenty-four hours after you ate them.

3. Bowel cancer is a preventable disease.

That is right. Cancer of the colon is something you can basically stop, especially if you have yourself go thru a colon screening regularly. And when you're above 50 years of age, it becomes more important that you have yourself subjected to a colon screening.

4. Not everything is eliminated.

It's not a particularly encouraging thought but not everything we need to get shot of actually goes out of our body. Some of these wastes remain in our colon. Our colon can only do so much work, and if there's too many of these poisons to get shot of, chances are, not everything will be gone.

This really leads to a rather dangerous cycle because with these waste accumulating inside our body, our colon has to work harder. Ultimately, it'd fail to perform at its best. When the colon is affected, the remainder of the organs in the gut are affected too like the kidney and the liver.

5. Colon cleaning helps your colons get shot of toxins.

The postulate of a colon cleanse is straightforward, to go in and lose all the unwelcome toxins that have accidentally amassed inside your body, that way the organs are not exposed to the risks of non-eliminated waste, and the colon does not need to work twice as hard in maintaining good health.

It is clear that our colon could still use our help, and isn't it our responsibility to make certain that we take better care of our bodies? Find out how you can maintain your perfect colon health today.

Help your body.

Think about the things that you will be ready to do with a healthful gut and a clean body. It's time to take our part in maintaining our colon health.

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