Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Discover a Step by Step Colon Cleansing Kits Info

By William Wallace

Colonic irrigation has been used by a number of ancient cultures as a way of preventing disease. Nowadays, people are able to purchase colon cleansing kits that will allow them to perform this procedure in their own home. This is something that sounds good in theory, but may actually be quite dangerous. Knowing more about what the process involves as well as some potential side effects can help you make a more informed decision.

Colon cleansing has a long tradition that is well grounded in history. The idea of cleansing the intestines came first from ancient Egypt, where people believed that all illness began in the bowels. They thought that food would stagnate and rot as it passed through the bowels and this would, in effect, poison you over time.

With some colon cleansing kits, also called an enema, colonic cleansing is accomplished by introducing a large amount of liquid into the intestinal tract. This washes out old fecal matter and, experts will tell you, cleans out any rotting food that may be causing health issues at the same time. The liquid is introduced via a flexible tube or hose that is inserted rectally. Depending on how far up the intestinal tract the cleansing is desired, more or less fluid may be introduced. Other liquids may be used and these can have serious effects that will be described later.

If you want to be safe when performing a home colon cleansing, make sure you get your kit from a professional. They can give you advice about which herbs to avoid and how to be careful inserting the tube. You also need to know how to clean your equipment properly to prevent any bacteria from being introduced via unclean equipment. You also need to be careful so that you do not inadvertently perforate your bowel during the insertion of the tube. This is one of the greatest risks of performing home colon cleansing.

Colonic cleansing can result in the presence of too much water in the system. This can upset the balance of certain important nutrients. This can lead to an irregular heart rhythm and can even kill you. Some people choose to perform a coffee enema or may even use liquids which contain alcohol. These can also result in severe medical conditions as well.

You need to be careful about how frequently you are performing colonic cleansing whether it's with colon cleansing kits you use at home or in a doctor's office. You never want to interfere with the body's natural waste elimination signals. Doing this can lead to permanent bowel impairment or ill health. Speaking with your doctor can be the best way to make sure that you don't encounter this problem.

Many people have used colon cleansing kits successfully and feel wonderful as a result. Discussing colonic health with your doctor and knowing more about the process can make it easier for you to make the choices that suit you best. It can prevent you from harming your health and keep you in the best shape possible. Because ultimately, the last thing you want to do is harm your health even as you seek to improve it.

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