Thursday, January 21, 2010

Effective Cold Sore Cure and Treatment to Learn

By June Murray

Cold sores are painful and fluid-filled small blisters. They usually grow on your lip edges or around the mouth or gums. They are very communicable through direct exposure to infected people, things or surfaces. Cold sores are caused by Herpes simplex virus and proven cold sore cure and treatment will take care of the problem.

A tingling sensation, discomfort, itchy or burning feelings around a certain spot are symptoms of cold sores. There will be redness in that area then swelling follows. Painful blisters will show up that can erupt anytime with clear ooze.

After that, the lesion dries and a thin yellowish scab will form on its surface. Then after a few days, the scab will peel off, leaving a healed pinkish skin beneath. These are the usual stages of cold sore from infection to healing that normally take 8-10 days if untreated. Why leave it untreated if there are cold sore remedies and treatments available?

Although you may not stop them from forming, you can minimize its outbreaks if you apply some cold sore home remedies that most people find effective. At the early signs of cold sores, rub ice onto the infected area, do these for a few minutes then repeat this every hour. You can also apply tea bag preferably warm on the blister for about 30 minutes then repeat every hour.

Applying Witch Hazel on sores will give you some relief, or you can press your moist index finger that was dipped in powdered common salt for 30 seconds. You can also use aloe vera gel or oil on the sores and lemon balm extract that helps to reduce symptoms and speeds up healing. You can dilute tea tree oil to about 2% in olive oil and applies it to the spot where it tingles 4 times a day or more.

Aside from these cold sore home remedies, there are medicated creams and ointments sold in the market that should be applied when you already the symptoms of cold sores. These creams are formulated to give instant pain relief and fast healing period. You can get them from the nearest drug stores; ask a pharmacist about it.

You can also learn some unusual, strange or gross approaches that others use in dealing with cold sores desperately. Applying ear wax to cold sore is gross but they say it's effective. Piercing the blisters and putting hydrogen peroxide on them really worked, others would apply nail polish remover or bleaching gel was a great help.

Cold sore treatment such as analgesics, vitamin C, or L-Lysine supplements can be bought from the pharmacy without prescriptions. If it is necessary, you can see a doctor for diagnosis and for prescription of the right medicines. Acupuncture or laser puncture can be performed to get rid of cold sores.

Preventing cold sore to appear is better than finding a cure, so you must avoid exposing yourself to someone with cold sore. Do not kiss, or have sex, or use personal things of those who have cold sores. Another thing, too much exposure to the sun and stress can cause cold sore out breaks. When you have the cold sore, avoid eating chocolates, oat meals, nuts, peas, almonds and wheat products because they can worsen your cold sores.

Although Herpes virus has no known cure yet, cold sore can be treated. You can choose from an array of cold sore cure and treatment that you can find in the Internet, health books and magazines. It pays to have a better understanding and information about cold sore so that you will know the proper way to deal with them.

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