Saturday, January 2, 2010

Flu Remedies Which Are Fast Working And Effective

By Barbie Kolicki

Having the flu is a miserable experience; it can make the whole body ache. What starts with a sore throat and runny nose can soon develop into aches, headaches, and severe weakness. As yet there is no cure for any flu virus, there are vaccinations but these are only effective for certain strains. To lessen the effects of the virus there are a number of tried and tested flu remedies that are proven to help.

1. Rest: If you catch the flu then you are going to have to take rest. You should even consider staying in bed until you are on the path to recovery. Usually if you have the flu you are not going to have the energy to rush about, there will be no option but to rest and let your immune system fight back.

2. Medication: It is common to find a high temperature affecting people that have the flu. When this fever is combined with a headache and body pain the results can create severe discomfort. To lessen the aches and control the temperature it may help to take ibuprofen or aspirin.

3. Hydration: When you have the flu you are going to be losing a lot of fluids. It is surprising the amount of mucus one individual can produce. This needs to be replaced as otherwise you will become dehydrated. Avoid alcohol and coffee as these will not help you retain water. It is very useful to drink juices that contain high dosages of vitamins.

4. How to cough: There are two main types of cough; one that is dry and painful and the other which brings up mucus. If you have a dry cough then you can find over the counter medications which will soothe your throat. If you find that you are coughing up a lot of mucus then this should be encouraged as your body needs to rid itself of the excess fluid.

5. Honey: For thousands of years honey has been used to sooth the throat. If you find that you are coughing during the night then try having a couple of teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water before sleeping. It can have a greater effect by also adding some lemon.

6. Balm: The most immediate relief from having a congested airway can be had by using a balm. Breathing in the vapors can bring a temporary clearance. Most balms contain camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus.

To lessen the chances of passing on the virus to others you should make sure you wash your hands often. Flu can be very contagious.

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