Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hidden Signs and Natural Treatment Methods - Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

By Veronica Carrillo

There are different types of symptoms; some of these symptoms are more painful than others. The doctor must be your first point of call, because only the doctor can tell if you have an ovarian cyst or not. Nevertheless, do bear in mind that there are natural treatments for ovarian cyst.

Please find below five of the Most Common Symptoms: * Menstruation Period will not be consistent * You are likely to gain weight rapidly * Acne - a skin condition marked by numerous red pimples * High Blood Pressure * Insulin Resistance

This genetic defect, by the way, may be corrected through good nutrition. All the illnesses that befall us are caused or influenced by genes. Just because you are born with faulty genes, does not mean you have to live with them. The fact is, the body has enzymatic machinery designed to destroy and repair faulty nuclear DNA (genes). This offensive line depends on good nutrition for optimum performance. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., says, "think of the gene as the seed, the environment as the soil. You can grow a healthy plant in good soil even if you start out with a weak seed."

The good news is that there are other treatments - natural treatment for ovarian cyst. These treatments are not complicated and they are very good. You will not suffer from sleepless nights because of the negative impact you think it might have on you. I am happy to tell you there is none.

The consumption of dairy products has been connected to a higher-than-normal incidence of cancer. In 1989, Gynecologist Daniel Kramer at Harvard Medical School in Boston linked galactose consumption with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Galactose has been found to be toxic to human eggs, it may be that it somehow interferes with our enzymatic offensive line.

There are so many herbal remedies such as Essiac tea and amazingly effective diets such as The Budwig and Hallelujah Diet. The list is all but endless. Why not take advantage of all of them? If you do the research into alternative cancer cures and become seriously committed, your chances of not being one of the more than seventy-five percent of the women who according to ovarian cancer survival rates succumb to the disease, are as good as a zero chance of rain when the sun is shining.

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