Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Major Goals Of The Candida Albicans Diet

By Bruno Smith

If you suffer from a lot of yeast infections that are not due to other health issues then you may find relief by following the Candida Albicans Diet. Candida is the yeast that is responsible for yeast infections and is actually present all over the body. However the natural bacteria on your body and your body's chemical balance stop the yeast from growing. When your body is out of balance the yeast can grow unchecked and develop into a yeast infection.

The most common types of yeast infections are vaginal yeast infections for women, skin infections and oral thrush infections. If something is the matter with your immune system then you can develop internal yeast infections and even systemic infections. Many times recurring yeast infection is a sign of a more serious problem.

Many people get yeast infections or have issues due to yeast syndrome. Yeats syndrome is an intestinal problem in that the yeast in your digestive tract causes the immune system to attack and these causes inflammation. This is really a bit like an allergic reaction to yeast.

Some of the factors that can make your yeast infection worse include using steroids, long term use of antibiotics, antacids, oral contraceptives, anti ulcer medication, high sugar diets, smoking, food allergies, diabetes and pregnancy.

The two main steps of the Candida diet is to not eat any naturally fermented foods that may contain yeast and to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and sugars you eat as carbs are food that yeast need in order to grow. By monitoring your intake of these foods you can stop yeast infections from occurring.

Many people notice results after just a few weeks while others need to follow the diet for longer to notice results. The length of time on the diet will differ depending on the individual.

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