Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Obesity In America - What Is The Cause?

By John Smith M.D

Obesity in US is at an all time high. The degree is really very astonishing and at epidemic levels. We have a tendency to be actually eating ourselves to death. Here are some facts about the United States and how obese and overweight we truly are. Why is the United States the fattest nation on our planet? Why do we overeat so much and do nothing about helping ourselves to overcome obesity?

60 million individuals in America are laid low with the disease obesity, where woman and girls are significantly affected more. Over one-third of women between the ages of twenty and seventy four are obese, the bulk of them being Mexican and African American. The amount of Americans since the 1960's that are overweight or obese are a direct result of prepackaged foods and exercise and activity at a very little rate.

Fast Food now days plays a major role in the levels of obesity we see today. Fast food is currently socially accepted because of globalization. These foods do not only add extra calories but they are generally unhealthy in nature. The additional calories that aren't weakened by the body are stored as fats which provides rise to obesity. It is very easy to become overweight eating fast food because it is so readily available and it seems like it is the only sometimes that can satisfy your hunger.

Since the 1990's the statistics of overweight and obesity has dramatically increased as a direct result of the our eating habits and especially fast food restaurants. Obesity in children has dramatically increased since the 1980's. Much to do with fast food and non outdoor exercise. The biggest factor being video games and computers. Honestly when is the last time you seen a kid outside playing. Its very rare to be the least.

In 1984 only 4% of children were thought to be obese. The obesity statistic in children current is 30%. 25% of all the obese children are starting to develop signs of diabetes type II. Of these children that are developing signs of diabetes type II more than 60% are showing signs of cardiovascular disease.

With obesity, comes the increased risk of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes type II, heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. In addition, obesity has been linked to mental health conditions like depression or feelings of shame and low self-esteem. Health consultants say that even losing 10 to 15 percent of your body weight will dramatically decrease the chance of developing these serious conditions. In addition, many obese people are discriminated against and targets of insults and alternative verbal abuse.

Within the United States we have to many cases of people dying every year as a result of obesity and we are seeing more and more people turning into diabetics because of obesity. Who do we tend to hold accountable? The individuals that make foods that are not healthy for us to eat? That is one way to look at it but we do not have to eat the unhealthy food. Of course, it might not presumably be our fault as a result of we currently live in a terribly nation where no one takes responsibility for themselves anymore.

Its time we start holding ourselves accountable for our eat habits and behaviors. In our current economic situation its much easier on our wallets to eat at fast food restaurants, especially since they are so readily available to us. We have to take totally different measures if we want to live a long healthy life. Eat leftovers. Eat a sandwich. Put together meals that are inexpensive but still healthy. Try other avenues before you eat at a fast food restaurant. Get the daily quantity of exercise. At least 1 hour a day. Make your children turn of the video games and get some outdoor exercise.

We need to manage and control this worldly problem before it is too late. If you found this article to be interesting and educating. Then learn more concerning the exact statistics of our level of obesity and the diseases which can be caused. Follow the link below to learn more and how we can prevent this problem.

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