Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prevention Of Repetitive Strain Injury

By Paul Goddard

I frequently get calls from people who have been told they have RSI and want to know which mouse would be the best choice for relieving their symptoms. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was as simple as selecting the right pill to get an instant cure?

Repetitive Strain Injury or RSI is a term that encompasses a wide variety of conditions but is not an actual diagnosis. Its like the expression "sports injury" it could be a twisted ankle or a bump on the head!

So whilst I'd like to say "take this pill and call me in the morning", this won't solve the problem. Many doctors will recommend that you stop repeating the activity, that is causing the strain and ultimately resulting in the injury.

However for the majority of us, this would involve a complete change of career that doesn't involve the use of a computer. As this is impractical for most people, you are left with two practical options; avoid getting the injury in the first place, or develop a method of managing it so can continue using computers.

Avoidance is obviously the best plan. As anyone with RSI will tell you, it is a miserable experience and has a shocking impact on your working life.

Whether you are already suffering from RSI or want to ensure you take the right steps to prevent the injury, the following tips can help you work on a computer without suffering.

1. Adjust your working area to suit you - not the other way around.

2. If your equipment is not in the right place and not adjustable it is not ergonomic and you will suffer as a result

3. Invest in a good adjustable chair. It may seem expensive at first but it is far more effective (and comfortable) than visiting a chiropractor.

4. Get your desk to the right height for you - not what your chair will allow. You can do this by inserting small blocks of wood under the feet or saw a bit off its too high (if you share a workspace a height adjustable desk makes life much easier for all)

5. Get a fully adjustable keyboard like the Goldtouch. In fact get a Goldtouch, nothing else comes close. You can read up on why on the internet, just google "Goldtouch keyboard"

6. Get several different mice and pointing devices in addition to the one you have. Alternate between them in order to minimise the repetition. A trackball may feel awkward to use at first but you will get used to it. Vertical mice reduce twisting or pronation in the wrist

7. Get a document holder and position it over and behind your keyboard. The key feature is that you want to keep all your work in a straight line head up position

8. Get your monitor at the right height and distance. Monitor arms are really good for this, easy to use with flat screens and free up space on your desk. If you must use a laptop screen then make sure you have a stand to get it the right height and always use an external keyboard and mouse

9. Always use RSIGuard Software. This is an absolute essential. Don't think it can't happen to you. RSIGuard is a very simple software package that will show you how your behaviour is hurting you.

10. Make changes now. Your body can handle a lot of abuse, but when it gives up - you are in big trouble, and the road back is painful and slow. Some people never recover.

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