Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Facts On Mesothelioma Disease And How It Can Be Conquered Or Prevented

By Heidi Wingrain

Mesothelioma stands high among the most threatening diseases which affect mankind in the present world. Inhaling asbestos fibers for a long time is the cause behind mesothelioma disease. In most cases the patients die within two years of diagnosis. The peculiarity of the disease is that it takes many decades to develop and show its first symptoms. This very fact proves to be a hindrance in timely detection and proper treatment.

Asbestos, which is highly useful mineral in industries, is extremely toxic. Once breathed in, the air borne fibers get accumulated in the mesothelium, which is a protective membrane that covers the internal organs. This results in excessive abnormal cell division and the extra fluid collected due to this thickens the sidewalls of the organs. This obstructs the proper functioning of the organs.

Mesothelioma disease is categorized into three based on the areas of our body where they occur. The lung cavities are affected by the pleural mesothelioma, whereas the abdominal cavities are infected by the peritoneal type. The most malicious form, the pericardial, affects the cavities of the heart.

Complete cure is not available for mesothelioma as of now. But precious years can be added by employing traditional methods of treatment like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. However, the late detection due to the delayed appearance of the symptoms affects the treatment adversely. In majority of the cases the symptoms are noticeable only in the advanced stages. If detected early the chances of a cure increases manifold though proper medical attention and treatment procedures.

Hence periodic check ups are a must for those who have been exposed to asbestos at any point of time. To play safe, the family members should also go for that. The common symptoms of mesothelioma disease are breathing problems, cough, fever etc. But the sorry state of affairs is that all the cancer centers are not well equipped to treat the disease. It is important for the patient to choose a doctor who is an expert in the field of mesothelioma treatment. This would help in early diagnosis and better treatment to enhance the chances of a cure.

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