Thursday, January 14, 2010

There Are Some Natural Remedies Migraine Patients Need To Use

By Porter Smith

Anyone who suffers with migraine headaches can tell you that is no pain even close to a full blown migraine headache. Most people with these kinds of headaches have usually got a few measures that they take hen they first feel a migraine coming on. However, there are the times that a migraine headache comes on in a instant and will give you no warning. For these times, there are some natural remedies migraine headache sufferers can use to get some pain relief.

The one cause of migraine headaches that is recurring in many people is stress. The modern day stress that we all live under can get to be too much for some people. This kind of stress can lead to some of the worst migraine headache pain in the world. Learning to deal with the stress and finding ways to relax is one of the greatest and most effective natural remedies migraine headache sufferers can try.

A nice massage is a great way to relieve pain and to let go of some stress at the same time. Massaging the facial, neck, and shoulder muscles in succession is a great way to relive migraine pain. If you take a hot shower or soak in a hot bath then get a massage, you will get a double benefit of headache pain relief.

Do you know where the pressure points are in your body that will help you in taking away the pain of a migraine? There is one in the fleshy skin between your forefinger and thumb. Another is at the base if your neck, just below the base of your skull. This pressure point is about two inches apart. When you press on either one of these points, the result is the release of your body's natural painkillers, endorphins.

A compress that is cold on your forehead while at the same time submerging your feet in warm water is one of the best natural remedies migraine headache sufferers can try. You should also avoid bright lights, especially those that are flashing.

Due to the many natural remedies migraine headache sufferers can use for pain, the wait for a cure won't be as painful as it could be. There is a lot of research being done to try and find the reasons some people have migraines while others never do.

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