Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is a Preventable Disease - Colorectal Cancer Facts

By Veronica Carrillo

If you have not even took a look at why you are having diarrhea, constipation, tiredness, vomiting and headaches out of no where then you are in trouble. These symptoms don't just happen for a reason, these are signs that there is something wrong inside you stomach and its not some small problem it is something serious. Yes it may be serious but it can all be avoided into being something much much bigger.

Symptoms associated with colon cancer: There are no concrete symptoms that can be used to diagnose colon cancer directly, but rather there are a cluster of conditions that may signify there is a problem. So if in doubt, it is best to visit your physician.

Common Symptoms: If the cancer is in proximity to the anus: constipation, diarrhea, tenesmus (painful and constant need to empty the bowels), narrowing of stool, and presence of blood or mucus in the stools. If the cancer is located further up: melena, or black stool is a commonly reported symptom.

Colonic Polyps is extra tissue growing in your large intestine and could cause cancer. This one is not much to worry about only if you are over the age of 50 or if you have had it before. The way that they get rid of this is by surgery.

Risk Factors: Genetics: If cancer runs in the family, with a large number of close relatives afflicted or an unusually young age to develop cancer, this can point to high risk of colon cancer. Other conditions are familial adenomatous polyposis which makes cancer in the colon more likely and should warrant an immediate visit to the physician. Age: The chances of developing colon cancer jump suddenly once an individual hits the 60s, and thus regular check ups after this age become a must.

Diverticula are small pouches that bulge outward through the colon or large intestine. Symptom are abdominal pain on the left side. If the diverticula are infected, you will also have a fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, cramping and constipation. These are only some of the disease that could happen if you do not maintain a healthy cleansing colon. Its like a chain reaction one thing happens then the rest follow.

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