Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why A Battery Mobility Scooter Is For You

By Kevin Jones

Many people with disabilities find that they are restricted as to where they can go, and some people do not have the strength to use a manual wheelchair without help. A battery mobility scooter will enable them to have the freedom and independence they desire, enabling them to get from place to place without the need of a carer. They will also be able to go a lot further and up steeper hills that a manual wheelchair had not enabled them to do previously.

The wide range of battery mobility scooters available means that there will be something to meet the needs of any wheelchair user, they also come in a variety of colours and shades so you can choose one to suit your personality. Most of the scooters have a basket fixed to the front which will allow the user to have the freedom to go solo when they wish to shop as well as carry the items they have bought withing eyesight the whole journey.

As the scooters are thinner in size than most manual chairs they are able to fit down small aisles that would have previously been restrictive and meant that the user would have had to ask for help.

This way the user would not have to worry about having to struggle to get into the limited space provided at most check outs in supermarkets, as well as not having to pay the extra fees they would have before hand to get shopping delivered.

As the production companies have been listening to the needs of users they have begun to realize that it is difficult for people who find it hard to get around to exercise meaning that the standard chairs were created for a standard person, which is a category that most people will not fit into. The battery powered scooters are now able to carry 30 stone and more and the seats have been created a lot wider for comfort, even when sitting in the scooter for a long period of time.

As many of the scooters have lighting on the front it means that you are not limited to going out only in the daylight, and the easy controls make steering a breeze. If you have found managing a manual scooter before then speak to anyone who has converted to a battery operated scooter and you will find that they have never turned back.

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