Friday, January 1, 2010

Why Drug Treatment? Why Now?

By Hal Killiam

Family members rarely ever are able to help loved ones who are addicted to drugs. Quite frankly, addicts simply do not listen to family members, especially about their addiction. Furthermore, family members do not possess the means, resources or professional expertise to get the drugs out of the addict's system.

Furthermore, even if you do manage to get him clean and sober, you do not have the ability to keep him clean. Read this short article to learn why you need to employ drug treatment center professionals to ultimately lead your loved one into a lifetime of sobriety.

Look, your loved one is a drug addict. The very essence of a drug addiction means that your loved one is irrational. The drugs in his system, along with the mental instability, means that he or she is not capable of responding to your reasonable request to get help for drug addiction.

Instead, you are likely to make the problem worse by causing arguments and possible physical violence. Your voice is likely to cause him to fall further into the grip of addiction. Instead of helping your loved one get addiction treatment, you will make treatment all the more unlikely. Drug treatment is not a field where you can get "on the job" training.

Professional drug treatment involves a large team of professionally trained medical and mental health professionals who understand how to get the addict into treatment and keep him there until he is better.

The mental health and medical professional employed by the drug treatment center will not hesitate to confront your loved one (in a non threatening way) about his drug addiction. They have the ability to coax him into treatment. More importantly, they have the skills and training necessary to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the drug addiction.

This is the key to keeping your loved one clean over the long term. He or she must confront the demons that underlie the substance abuse in order to truly move toward healing.

Of all of the parts of the drug treatment process, the aftercare portion is the most important. Quite frankly, family members tend to be the primary source of stress after the addict returns home. As such, it is crucial that he actively participate in some sort of group and individual therapy.

Each of these provide the recovering addict a source of understanding, support and accountability. It is the stress associated with returning home after treatment that is the usual topic of these conversations.

Okay, do you understand why your family member needs professional drug treatment. As a family member, you do not have the training and expertise to you're your loved one overcome drug addiction. You need to leave drug treatment to professional medical and mental health professionals employed by a reputable drug treatment center.

They can help your loved one enter treatment and stay there until they can recover. Only drug treatment centers can put your loved one in contact with a support group and individual therapy once he leaves treatment. So, stop thinking that you can confront your loved one about his addiction. Instead, find a professional that can help you help your loved one get clean and sober, once and for all.

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