Monday, August 17, 2009

Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Treatment

By Thomas Voullemier

Having hemorrhoids is unbelievably painful. What starts out as an irritation quickly grows into something more. If you let them go you can expect to experience all kinds of issues from fidgeting in your seat to getting less work done. Whatever the case may be, there are many options that allow you to take different approaches to solving the problem. Whether it's non-surgical, regular surgery, or even natural avenues, they are all helpful. Hopefully deciding on one of them will allow you to get the help you need to get rid of the problem.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are inflamed, swollen, or enlarged veins in the rectum or anus. High rectal vein pressure and increased straining may cause them. Extended periods with diarrhea or constipation with hard stool may also contribute. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that have been blocked by blood clots. These commonly show as hard lumps and are painfully swollen.

Knowing the Symptoms

It's important to understand the difference between hemorrhoids and just something spicy you had for dinner last night. Obviously the two easy ones are pain and swelling around this area, but there are many other symptoms as well. You could feel a burning sensation, and even experience bleeding depending on the magnitude of the situation. Whatever the case may be you should always consult your physician about the situation. If you do not get this diagnosed you could end up with more serious problems down the road, including life threatening ones like rectal cancer, anal fissures, and perianal hematoma as well. Depending on how serious the situation is, you may have to go through an endoscopy. If by chance you are bleeding down there, then your doctor will have to figure out if there is an infection lingering. Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment can only start after you've assessed the problem.

The Treatment Options

There is no one cure for hemorrhoids but treatment regiments do exists that can are exceptionally effective. Hemorrhoids that have just presented, new ones that have only been there for 2 or three days, and small ones are usually treated conservatively. This means only a change in diet, sitz baths, analgesics, proper anal hygiene, herbal remedies, and sometime topical creams. A high-fiber diet and proper intake of liquids is recommended for all hemorrhoid sufferers to prevent hard stools. Proper care should also be taken to prevent liquid stools and diarrhea as this may also cause pain to the hemorrhoid sufferer. Cold compresses and hot baths can help relax the veins and heal the hemorrhoid. Ointments and suppositories can provide pain relief and lessen the inflammation of external hemorrhoids. These practices can help prevent further development and irritation of your hemorrhoids.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment may also mean some and medical procedures. Rubber band ligations, the common method of dealing with large hemorrhoids, are done with elastic bands applied to a hemorrhoid that cut off circulation to the hemorrhoid and it will slough off with normal bowel movement in a couple of days. Enemas are also sometimes done to clean the area, though extreme care must be taken, and the procedure should be done by a doctor. Laser, Infrared, or Electric cauterization can also be used. Infrared coagulation is the most common non-surgical procedure in the United States. There is no perceivable advantage to each of these procedures, and personal preference is usually the deciding factor on which technique shall be used.

If you take advantage of thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment, the first line of combat revolves around sclerotherapy. This is an injection that is used in order to harden the hemorrhoid. Over the time you will notice that it will simply shrivel up like a raisin. Keep in mind this procedure is usually done with smaller hemorrhoids. If you have larger versions, then a hemorrhoidectomy will be more suitable. This is a surgical procedure where the hemorrhoid is lanced of the area. We would recommend this option because it is considered to be the most effective. Whatever surgical procedure you do, post-operative pain is a common side effect. It could actually take you 2-4 weeks to get back to your normal routine.

No matter how you look at it, thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments vary. If you don't want to deal with any of the information we provided for you earlier, then try a more conservative and natural approach. You should still ask your doctor whether or not it will be feasible, because even the smallest ingredient may not agree with your body. If you can keep an open mind about alternative medicine, then the natural option is the way to go. It will allow you to stay away from the side effects of drugs and work on a cure in your own home. Both are huge benefits to anyone that is looking for the best option out of the various thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments. If you add in a good balanced diet (and more fiber), you'll find yourself having normal bowel movements and relaxing the muscles. Oh, and keep up with your body's hygiene as well.

This may sound a little farfetched, but there are actual physical techniques you can utilize to relieve hemorrhoid pain. If you're going to the bathroom and are about to have a bowel movement, try squatting. It's been effective, even though there isn't a lot of history to back it up. Then of course you can try other thrombosed hemorrhoid techniques like raised legs while you sleep. Studies have shown that this actually reduces the size of enlarged veins back to their normal size. Oh, and you can't forget about hot baths. Taking these instead of showers will allow you to relax and it will alleviate some of the pain you endure.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments may be covered by your insurance company under general medical procedures. As with most illnesses the natural and preventative measures mentioned here are the cheapest and easiest to maintain.

Now it's time to revert back to when we told you about seeing a doctor. If you're experiencing issues with hemorrhoids or aren't sure you have them, contact your doctor. They will be able to narrow the symptoms and understand the problem. This way, you can take the next step to regaining your normal lifestyle.

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