Monday, January 11, 2010

The Advantages Of Gynecomastia Diagnosis

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is the abnormal breast enlargement in men, similar to those that are naturally present in adult women. Though not a serious or dangerous condition, it can be a source of huge embarrassment to the men folk who have this problem. Doctors diagnose this conditon in many ways through a series of tests to find out if the problem is gynecomastia or some other health problem including pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia)

Doctors diagnose gyencomastia in various ways like male breast exam, BMI calculation, height-weight analysis, body fat analysis, medical history of the patient etc. Lab tests are done to evaluate if it is caused to due to an underlying medical program. Doctor may also advise further scans and evaluations like the male mammogram test or the diagnostic imaging where breast ultrasound testing is done to detect the presence of cysts, fluids and other physical aberrations. There is a certain amount of pathological testing done to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

Doctors diagnose it through male breast exams, biopsies, the historical case-study and profile of the patient, body fat analysis, BMI calculation, laboratory tests etc. All of these are used to find out if there is a medical problem that can be identified with gynecomastia. Since the problem manifests in the form of glandular development, an endocrinologist who specializes in gland related disorders is usually asked to investigate into reasons of abnormal breast growth.

Doctors who diagnose gynecomastia have not denied that obesity causes the problem. Apart from obesity, there are other reasons too. For instance, it can be caused by the use of medication that treats schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. The problem can also be caused due to hormonal imbalance and illegal drug abuse.

Depending on the lab test results, doctors can order for further evaluations and scans. One of them is the male mammogram test where breasts with denser mass are evaluated. In the process of diagnostic imaging, a radiologist may perform breast ultrasound testing to find out the presence of fluids, cysts and other abnormalities in the area. Pathologist testing is done to find out excised tissues to leave the possibility of breast cancer.

Most cases of male breasts are due to failure of the body to normalize breast tissue after the onset of teens. 4 in every 10 cases of gynecomastia have unknown origins with a few, rare cases of breast cancers found during the diagnosis. it is attributed to genetic mutations, cancerous and benign tumors and castrations as well.

The presence of male breast through gynecomastia may not be a thing that requires urgency but it is definitely a problem that warrants physical alteration. In such a case, male breast reduction surgery can be the best recourse. The diagnosis of gynecomastia can really help doctors find out the extent of the problem and the techniques that can take care of the problem in the best possible manner.

So if you are suffering from man boobs, do not run away from the problem or hide in isolation. Instead diagnose the problem and seek treatment measures that can help get rid of this problem quick.

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