Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Overlook A Candida Albican Yeast Infection: A Nasty Infection

By Bruno Smith

Many people are familiar with a yeast infection. Either they have experienced one, or have known someone with one. Most people do not realize that the common yeast infection, often caused by candida albican can actually be more than just irritation. A Candida Albican Yeast Infection can lead to infections of the vital organs if left untreated.

There are many reason why the body might stop fighting off yeast. Antibiotics can kill off the necessary fighter bacteria. A weak immune system can be too tired to do its job. There also just may be too much yeast due to poor diet or sexually transmitted activities. When the yeast is not controlled it will multiply and travel wherever it likes, although it prefers warm wet places.

A common candida albican yeast infection is noticeable in many different places. On children it frequently shows up as a red diaper rash. In men balanitis, an infection of the penis, may occur. In women, vaginal yeast infections can cause discharge, burning and itching. Yeast can even grow under the nails of the fingers and toes causing swelling and sometimes even pus.

Although these symptoms seem merely uncomfortable, it is important to realize that if left untreated it can travel to important organs elsewhere in the body. A symptom of an infection in the kidneys is blood in the urine. Yeast infecting the eyes can lead to blurred vision and pain. An infection in the heart can damage the valves and possibly cause murmurs. If the infection travels to the lungs, you will probably begin coughing up blood.

The good news is that all of this is controllable. Even with a an impaired immune system, anti-fungal medication can kill the yeast. Another good preventative thing to do is limit the amount of antibiotics you take as they can kill the bacteria that kill the yeast.

The important thing to remember: if you think you have a yeast infection see a doctor. A proper diagnosis is the quickest way to a cure.

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