Saturday, January 16, 2010

Autism Help By Examining Food-Hyperactivity Connection With Autism Diet

By Sabrina Mallory

Will putting a person that has autism on an autism diet really help a child or an adult in everyday life?

Jean Genet who is a neuroscientist is a specialist in the field of how the brain functions and its mechanics.

This man believes that hyperactivity can be done away with by neutralizing certain chemical imbalances that have been cause by toxic reactions from childhood vaccinations.

One Of The Major Culprits

Any form of sugar triggers the chemical that initiates hyperactivity.

Not even children that are non-autistic are immune to this. However, sugar really will really ramp up a child with autism due to the reaction that happens with the sugar being ingested and the level of toxins that remain in the body from vaccines.

Cravings for Sugar

Whenever your body finds its self low in blood sugar levels, your brain will initiate the hunger response. Blood sugar is essentially the fuel your brain will use to govern you mental, emotional, and of course physical well being of your entire body. If you do not have a sufficient blood sugar level you body will be hard pressed to function properly in when trying to focus in which hyperactivity will accompany this in children and adults upsetting the emotions rather quickly. This is why autism alternative therapy is much need for many people. An example of autism alternative therapy would be an autism diet.

Generally, the eating of sweets like cookies and candy bars will state hunger. When sugar enters your blood stream, it will calm the hunger response down for about twenty minutes or so. After this, the fuel tank is empty so to speak for the body to properly manage your physical, mental, and emotional response, which will cause the person with autism to crash. If you participate in an autism alternative therapy plan like an autism diet you will be able to avoid this problem.

What Should A Parent Do?

Refined sugar and processed foods are products of "modern civilization", foods the human body was never designed to process which is very evident in our Western society today.

Of course hunger is resolved by eating foods without processed sugar disguised on labels as fructose or corn syrup. Natural fruit should be eaten to resolve the immediate hunger issue, followed up by food groups that do not only contain sugar but wheat along with dairy.

Genet is an autism survivor and has eliminated all processed sugar from his diet.

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