Friday, January 8, 2010

Seven Ways To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

By James Briggs

Hemorrhoids are something that hurt a lot. A number of different things cause hemorrhoids. An example of these causes is constipation. The veins that are in your anus and rectum produce hemorrhoids. These then became larger and inflamed. They can cause a lot of discomfort.

How can hemorrhoids be eliminated? Unless a hemorrhoid is bleeding or severe, there are methods that can treat it. There are several methods you can use right in your house. Some of them will be most effective if you combine them with another remedy. See what works the best for you, as you try them out.

1) Warm bathing - Put two or three inches of warm water in a tub and sit down in it. Raise your knees, so the water can go into your anus and rectum. It will not only treat the pain. This will also bring more blood to the area. This will assist in making the hemorrhoids smaller.

2. Witch Hazel - This is the remedy that is best out there, some say. Begin by gently washing your anus and rectum. Pour some Witch Hazel onto a Q-tip. Apply the swab to your rectum very gently. It will help make the hemorrhoids smaller.

3) Exercise - While exercising, this helps your blood flow better. Take at least three half-hour walks weekly. The blood will be circulated in the area of the hemorrhoids, thereby assisting them to shrink.

4) Fiber - Begin consuming more foods rich in fiber. Whole grains and fresh vegetables are high fiber foods. Your stools can be bulkier and looser by using fiber. This will prevent constipation and assist with avoiding hemorrhoids.

5) Liquid intake - Increase the amount of water you drink. You should consume 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Your stools will become looser by doing this. This can reduce the inflammation of the hemorrhoid.

6) Avoidance of certain drinks and foods - Hemorrhoids are not actually caused by certain foods. But they will cause irritation. Stay away from eating spicy foods. In addition, watch how much coffee and alcohol, or beer, you consume.

7) Apply Ointments - Purchase an effective hemorrhoid ointment. Use water and soap to wash the areas that are affected. Use the ointment every day and after each bowel movement. This will alleviate the pain and help to reduce the size of the hemorrhoids.

Many remedies are on sale to treat hemorrhoids. Curing hemorrhoids isn't expensive. There are many at home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are embarrassing for most people. They believe that nobody else has this trouble, so they are ashamed of this. However, almost 75% of Americans have suffered from hemorrhoids at some point in their life.

But they can be cured. You can be rid of them if the hemorrhoids are not very severe and do not badly bleed. There is not only one cure. These are all great methods to become hemorrhoid free. But you might have to combine some of them. You can, however, rid yourself of these horrible hemorrhoids.

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