Friday, January 8, 2010

6 Different Kinds Of Piles Surgery

By Jamie Briggs

Yucky hemorrhoids! They hurt! They might itch. They cause you to be uncomfortable. They can take over your life. Hemorrhoids can interfere with your enjoyment of life, as they can be an ever-present nuisance.

The source of hemorrhoids is the veins that are in your rectum and anus. These veins start swelling and becoming inflamed. There are quite a few possible contributing causes. Constipation is a leading reason. The veins become inflamed with excessive pushing to move stools due to constipation.

Hemorrhoids are present in four different types, first degree to fourth degree. First is the most minimally severe. Fourth is the most severe. There can be bleeding with any degree, but the bleeding in higher degree hemorrhoids is the worst.

Home remedies can solve the problem many times. Surgical procedures are sometimes required.

(1) Milligan-Morgan Procedure -- This operation involves the excision of the three most serious hemorrhoid types. Three pear-shaped incisions remain open and are separated by bridges of skin and mucus. This hemorrhoid surgery is the most common.

2) The Ferguson Technique - This method uses partially or completely closed incisions. There is a lot of pain after the surgery. Plus, it necessitates hospitalization for a 3-day period.

3) PPH Procedure - This method involves reducing the prolapsed hemorrhoidal tissue by using a circular stapling device to excise a band of the prolapsed anal mucosa membrane. There is less pain after this surgery than other surgeries.

4) The Harmonic Scalpel - This is a unique form of energy that, on contact, cuts and coagulates hemorrhoidal tissue, minimizing lateral thermal tissue damage. It is utilized when dealing with large hemorrhoids that may bleed during surgery.

(5) Laser Procedure -- Here a laser is used to cause the hemorrhoid to disappear completely. Lasers are more precise and accurate. There is very little pain with this surgery. They heal faster.

(6) Atomization - In this procedure, hemorrhoids are vaporized and vanish. This can be accomplished without causing a lot of bleeding. There are better results with this surgery.

If home remedies do not work for your hemorrhoids, these surgeries may be required. Your physician may recommend surgery for several reasons. He might advise you to have an operation in cases where hemorrhoids continue to develop, unrelieved. You might need surgery if you keep bleeding. Surgery might be required for prolapsed hemorrhoids. Whenever blood clots are present with hemorrhoids, an operation is necessary.

Doctors will try other treatments before trying surgery. Rubber banding sometimes works for hemorrhoids. Injections might be tried. In this procedure, an injection of drugs is administered into the hemorrhoidal tissue in an attempt to reduce the size.

Ignoring hemorrhoids is not an option. Use whatever treatment you need. Don't procrastinate. Make sure you are getting the best treatment possible for your hemorrhoids.

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