Friday, January 22, 2010

What is Leaky Gut and What Can Be Done About it?

By Jan Haury

When you hear the term "leaky gut," it's definitely what it sounds like. We have these layers of cells that are built to keep the bacteria, free radicals, and various waste products from entering the blood stream. Unfortunately, there are some cases where people don't have this layer and it actually gets into other parts of the body. This is something that definitely damages the immune system, which is why this needs to be treated.

One of the first things to consider is that you may have a poor diet. This alone is something that can play a major role in your recovery. Individuals who are always eating junk food, drinking sodas and never really eating healthy foods will be more susceptible to the leaky gut. Then again, you may be taking OTC pain medications from a drug or grocery store. There are many other reasons as well, including some diseases and illnesses that can contribute to the problem.

So what can be done about a leaky gut? Well, there are a number of things you can do on your own to help remedy the problem. These include eating a healthy diet that cuts out processed foods and focuses on fresh foods like fruits and vegetables that have plenty of fiber in them. You should also cut out coffee and alcohol as these can exacerbate the problem. Taking a probiotic supplement can help, as can getting more exercise.

Each one of these areas will contribute to better health and digestive system that functions properly. We recommend that you see your doctor and have a check-up. Chances are there could be something else there that is causing the problem. If they can figure out what it is, you can take the necessary steps to counteract your leaky gut. Maybe a few antibiotics are needed or just a little stress reduction to make things better.

Whatever the case may be there are plenty of herbs and supplements to help you along the way. The best thing you can do is talk to an expert in the health care industry and know your options. Whether it's L-Glutamine, Vitamin A, Zinc, insoluble fiber, N-Acetyl-Glucosamine, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Sea Cure, Epithelial Growth Factors, Aloe, Slippery Elm, Milk Thistle, and Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice, you have plenty of options.

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